How To Find Crazy People Online or All my Facebook accounts are real
09-11, 13:15–13:45 (Europe/Stockholm), Main hall

OSINT gathering is trying to lock on a moving target in an ever-changing landscape. This talk provides a deep dive into today's tools, best practices, counter-measures and common mistakes. Drawing on three years of continuously developing and improving an OSINT-gathering environment in private security, intelligence analyst (or "bad guy hunter" for the movie credits) Elin shares war stories on manipulating big tech, trying to out-compete the spammers and the scammers and interacting with some really Crazy People Online

Having Grown Up On The Internet, Elin has worked on trying to translate the computer to the humans since childhood. She's currently an intelligence analyst and OSINT-specialist in private security, with a penchant for feminist threat intel and digital self defense training for activists, journalists and any one who needs help.